Managing the Light ~ #42
How is your light shining? Do you need to dim it a bit when it’s shining too bright for those who are in need of more light, and just can’t handle such a bright light at this time? Or, do you let it beam out with joy and passion and enthusiasm, knowing you are all connected and safe? Sometimes someone who is down or off kilter may not be in the mood to be around happy upbeat people. After all, misery loves company. You might notice that when you are in the presence of such an individual, they might just lash out at you, cut you down, or point out your flaws. Your best virtue at this time is to go into your heart and send compassion into their heart, for they are the ones who are hurting, not you. This is a practiced advanced form of healing. While you stand firm in the knowing of your bright light, your intention of surrounding a hurting heart with compassion goes far beyond your expectations. Just you wait. You will begin to notice a change in that person; one for the better. That’s when your light will shine even brighter, for you have touched another human being with your soul. The love of God and the universe and all its mighty angels will rejoice in knowing that you, yes, I said you!, made this world a better place.
Sometimes you just need to take that leap of faith ~ #41
Be like a fun loving, daring kid. Hold your nose, hold your breath, and run and jump right off the diving board into the deep end. Splash! Ahhhh! What a relief! What fun! Let’s do that again!! Laughing and feeling refreshed and invigorated, you’re well on your way. You did it! Congratulations. I bet you can’t wait to do it again and again and again. Watch how others will follow in your footsteps and see how you can guide them into success as well. You’re an uplifter and an encourager. This is not only going to be a great day, it IS a great day. Count your blessings and don’t forget the fun ones!
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #40
Dip into that pool of well being and harmony within the universe. As you take a deep breath, feel that satisfaction of deepness, then naturally let it go and exhale all that is weighing you down. As you do this, ideas filled with inspiration and passion will surface. With your alert attention to these subtle nudges, you will become aware of the continued flow of magic all around you. Synchronicities, serendipitous events, or just magnified beauty from you beholding your surroundings will begin to surface in your everyday world around you.
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Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #38
Shake things up a bit. Do something different. Whether you meditate or not, who cares? You can meditate first thing in the morning and see how things change for the better. Or, pay attention to what crosses your mind when you daydream. Or, put that cell phone down and take a walk and observe nature. Or, put the headphones on and listen to one of your favorite songs. Or, go to a movie. Or, just do something that lightens your load for a bit. It’ll help keep you in the calm.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #37) Moving forward…Choose kind thoughts about yourself and others
Say better things to yourself. If someone compliments you don’t point out your flaws. Be gracious about your self confidence. Love yourself; you are the light. If someone has done you wrong, or just doesn’t mesh with your own personal beliefs, shine a light on them. Don’t point out their flaws or misgivings. Rather, find something general about them that’s good, that softens that ugly feeling you’re feeling inside about them. Then swiftly turn your attention away from them. Gossiping is not an uplifter. You are an uplifter, so negative thoughts about yourself or others are not who you are. Moving forward, be kind to yourself, and part of how you do that is thinking kind thoughts about everyone else, no matter who they are.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card Card #33 ~ Love, Receive, Release
As you enter a new phase in your life, this exercise of Love, Receive, Release may be helpful to you if you wish to practice it. You get proficient at something and even exceed in something if you practice at it. First center yourself with gratitude and appreciation. Now say, “I love myself” while placing your arms over your chest. Next, open your arms wide and say, “I am open to receive the Universe’s love and blessings.” And then move only the palms of your hands facing downwards and say, “I release that which no longer serves me.” This simple mantra can help to catapult you in the direction you need at this time. Loving yourself, being aware of all those wonderful things coming into your life, and letting go of all the unwanted clutter, can help you to quickly manifest what you are desiring most. Just have fun along the way and you’ll enjoy the ride.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #36) Don’t let what other people think affect you.
Be okay with who you are. Self esteem is a huge part of who we are. What image do we portray for ourselves? Are we fearless? Are we courageous? Are we cowardly? Are we meek? Let’s find words that we can define ourselves with that we like. I am powerful, confident and compassionate. I am connected to my inner source of positive and grounding energy. I am honorable. I am respectful. I am dignified. I am happy and fun to be around. There is this magnetism I have that is utterly charismatic. I like to smile, on both the outside and the inside, because I am happy and grateful. I enjoy being with myself. I have an inner light that bursts out of me. I love myself and I love others, unconditionally. I like knowing that I learn and grow from my mistakes. As I grow, so do others, and as I see others around me wake up to their enlightenment, I too am enlightened. The great Honu of the sea is sure of himself and mindful of his actions. He gracefully swims with the ebb and flow of the current as he gathers his food and he always finds the time to enjoy a fun ride on the perfect wave. He never cares what other people think of him.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #35) Look at things from a different angle
We are so used to looking at the world through our own eyes. What if we took a different perspective? What if we practiced standing in someone else’s shoes to observe a situation? A common saying is "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," which means beauty doesn't exist on its own but is created by observers. Does the sea turtle know its own beauty? We are blessed with our own sight to observe its graceful presence, getting excited as we gaze and hurriedly follow its gentle underwater flight with such ease. Perhaps that’s how we are observed by others. Maybe our loved ones who no longer have a physical body are watching the beauty of our lives with excited observation, standing on the sidelines as our biggest cheerleaders. Isn’t it nice to know that we are multi dimensional and fully capable of seeing things from many different angles?
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #28) Be at Peace ~ Stay Tranquil. Just be natural.
Just as a trapeze artist glides through the air with the greatest of ease, a sea turtle glides through the water. We were born human, with a mind; use it. Just be natural. Your thoughts glide through the ether with ease. Keep your thoughts tranquil and peaceful and you will see how easy it is to sail through your day.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #31 ~
Easy breezy. Go with the flow. Like electricity taking the path of least resistance, you can move swiftly and safely towards your desires. Let go and move with ease. Don’t look back, only forward. The swift moving current will take you where you need to go. Trust, have faith. Enjoy the ride. It’s supposed to be fun.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #25) Be open to receive all that the Universe has in store for you.
The Universe is always abundantly flowing. The more open you allow yourself to be, the more you are able to perceive the presence of the constant flow of well being. A great indicator that you are open is the awareness of the synchronicities around you. These are also hints of the perception that we are all connected.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #29) Time for New Beginnings
Once a new idea has hatched, it has already been in the process of incubating for a long time. Spend time nurturing the thoughts that serve you well. By the time your ideas manifest, you have already spent much time in contemplation. Get excited for new ideas or projects to seemingly pop up out of nowhere.
Honu Wisdom Card #15) Keep your ideas to yourself until they are fully developed.
When we get inspired by a bright new fresh idea it’s very exciting. We anticipate what it might look like when it’s fully blossomed. This is your idea, your seedling. It may have been downloaded from spirit and the angels who are watching over you. By keeping your inspirations to yourself until they have been fully rooted, the energy of another’s opinion will not affect its outcome. Stay positive and fully charged with enthusiasm. Your idea has been sparked by the universe which has all the nourishment needed for it to flourish into full manifestation.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #9) Puppies keep us in the present moment. Happy ~ Carefree ~ Living In the Now ~ Find that inner puppy.
“What the heck is an inner puppy?,” you might ask. Have fun. Live in the Now. Wake up excited, like a dog ready to play in the day. You can never say to a dog, “Let’s go for a walk.... later.” They live in the Now. They want to play and be happy. Nature is the perfect place for us to find examples of living in the Now. When we catch ourselves having thoughts that aren’t making us feel so good, we have the power to change them into better feeling thoughts. When I find that hard to do, I quickly change my awareness to something in my surroundings and think or say something like “Look at how beautiful the sky is right now,” or find a puppy to pet. Practice staying in the Now helps things get better. Think of it this way: life just gets better and better. For a puppy, every day is the best day ever!
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #23. Dream big. Get excited. Keep motivated. Be exhilarated. Stay passionate. Fly high. Keep your head up high. Stay on your path and follow your own light. The bigger you dream, the brighter the light gets. Brush away any thoughts that may stray you away from your dreams. Keep smiling about it. Keep wondering about it. Do what it takes to stay there. Take time out of each day to focus, even if it’s just a little bit, on your passion. Let your thoughts keep you high especially when you are dreaming big.
Honu Wisdom Card #24) You are the Light which you seek. It is already within you.
You are a beacon of light. Others are attracted to you because of your spiritual magnetism. Your inner love beams through your soul and outward into the material world. It shines all around you. People feel better while they are next to you and may not even know why. Feel your inner light. You are blessed.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #27. You're not in this world alone. We are all connected. Greater than you can imagine! Sometimes we may feel lonely or we are the only one experiencing a certain situation. You are here for a reason. The Universal Source energy picked you to be here right now. Every drop of water counts to make up the ocean. The intelligent unseen forces are always interested in what you are doing. You are a part of everything. You are important. You help with the expansion and growth of the universe. Your part matters.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #4) Wait for it!
Much like the new catch phrase “Wait for it!”, there is a bit of excited anticipation to see what is going to pop up. If you stay in that frame of mind, with that excited anticipation that something exciting, funny, good, or uplifting is going to happen, then you will keep on attracting those types of things along the way. Remember it’s the joy in the journey, not the end of a segment. Have fun looking forward to all those wonderful things the universe has in store for you.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #1) Look inside your heart. Power and Wisdom are within you. You are the one that can change your world.
You are the one! You are number one. Sit still for a little while each day, go within and feel how your inner guidance bubbles up to enhance the clarity of your world. Your connection to all things lies deep within you. This does not mean it’s unreachable because of its depth. It means you hold your own power to change your perception of things you have no control over. Staying happy and centered is a good place to be.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card # 6) Love your way through this.
Love. Love. Love. Love is all there is. In our lives we go through many trials and tribulations. Life is not always a bed of roses. When you feel discord, the best thing you could do for yourself is to love your way through this. Remember that your higher self loves you just as much as the higher self loves those whom you feel the discord. We are all connected by love. Even though we may not feel love for those who may have wronged us, it is your job to love yourself first, then send love from a place of love. Love is healing, nurturing, and replenishing. In time, you will grow and expand from such diversity and contrast, and be able to see it as a great blessing. As hard as it may be at times, if you love your way through this, you will be able to feel love in a much stronger way than ever before. Blessings to you.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card # 10) Drop it! From your Head to your Heart
Sometimes we can’t help ourselves when we judge, criticize or gossip about others. Sometimes we become self critical and beat ourselves up over and over again for some mistake we have made. We were naturally born with egos, so unless we know better, we can cause ourselves to be in a lower frame of mind. When we consciously drop our negative thoughts to our heart and put them in a place of love, compassion sets in and our vibration moves higher.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #18) You can overcome all hurdles by focusing on your desired outcome.
When an athlete races over hurdles towards the finish line he or she is not concerned about them, but keeps the focus on the goal at the end. With momentum built into the gait of power, hurdles are nothing but accomplishments along the way, giving more satisfaction to the individual’s envisioned goal. Act as if you already have it and you will be drawn to it like a magnet. Anything that is seemingly in the way of your desired outcome is simply there for your expansion and growth.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #22) Lift yourself up with your powerful Positive thoughts.
You create your experiences with your thoughts. You manifest things with your thoughts. Everything is vibration and energy. You can’t see, feel, touch taste or hear your thoughts with your physical senses, yet we know they exist. By keeping your thoughts positive, you manifest positive things into your life. You have the power to lift yourself up higher and higher with your Positive thoughts. There is no end, so breathe deep and imagine that with each breath your helium balloon of your own vibration raises higher and higher towards more and more beautiful realms of awareness.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #26 ) Center and ground yourself. Now place your intention of Well Being.
Take time each day to center and ground yourself. This helps you to stay balanced. Imagine the energy from your heart emanating down to the earth where it connects and grounds, like a waterfall constantly flowing. Then feel the well being of the universe nourishing you. Know that it all works out, no matter what. You might say, “Everything is always working out for me.” There is a universal well of incredible positive energy which you can draw from always. Having an intention of well being draws that to you and increases your vibration, helping you to stay happy and healthy.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #30) Mind your own business
Don’t activate other people’s stuff into your own vibration. Stay at peace within yourself. It’s best if you don’t judge, condemn, or think what’s right for other people. It’s their path, not yours. Plus, always remember, it’s none of your business what other people think of you.
Honu Wisdom Card #13) Enjoy the beauty of a Sunset.
Even on a rainy day, when you pull this card, you are whisked away to the end of the day where we take the time to relax, take a deep breath and soak in the beauty of a sunset. So often we are not in the surroundings to be able to stop everything in our busy lives, so you can just imagine that time, with ease, where it’s that special time of day, where your mind can wander, the worries of the day melt away in that one special moment. If you are on the ocean, you can anticipate the sun getting larger as it sinks on the horizon and anticipate the possibility of a green flash. If it’s been a day with big puffy clouds, you will be ensured to have your breath be taken away by the bright beautiful colors reflected onto those clouds as the sun goes down. Enjoying the beauty of a sunset reminds us to stay in the moment and relish in the wonder of our planet earth.
Honu Wisdom Card # 12) Be the pebble that causes the ripples.
Think about it. Just a tiny little pebble in a small pond creates ripples that seem to go out into infinity. You may never know how your life may affect others. Speak up, speak out for what resonates as your truth. Sometimes the tree needs to be shaken to rid itself of all the dead leaves in order for the new growth to flourish. If you resonate with well being, kindness and compassion from your heart, uplifting and positive feelings, words and actions, others around you will start to resonate at that higher frequency as well, just like a tuning fork.
Honu Wisdom Card #8) Where intention goes, energy flows. Hold your intention clearly in your mind.
The power of thought is quite real. When you intend to have a happy day, happy things will be drawn to you. If you expect miracles to show up daily in your life, you will find them. Intention can be as simple as creative visualization where you may picture the desired result in your mind’s eye with as many details wrapped around it as possible. Watch your thoughts, because the universe only responds with “Yes!” and will give you what you’re intending. You’ve heard the old saying, “Be careful what you wish for.” Catch those undesirable thoughts like “I’m not worthy or I’m not good enough, or, I never have enough money, or I have to work hard for everything,” before they manifest. Watch your intentions. Are you saying things like “It’s going to be a great day!” or “Look at the abundance of life all around me. It flows so easily and effortlessly.” Be excited and anticipate all those good things you are wanting to show up in your life. Happy, excited anticipation about the things you are creating will open the channels of energy to flow in the direction of you.
Honu Wisdom Card #16) You’re on the right track. Keep moving forward. Be positive & happy.
You’re doing great! As you pay attention to your thoughts, keep them focused on positive, uplifting energy. Stay present in the now, experiencing the beauty around you, around others and within you. The beautiful banyan tree or the mighty oak tree need not look back to when they were a sapling. Keep smiling and stay upbeat. You are rooted in the magnificent energy of love.
Honu Wisdom Card #5) Ask. You’re worth it!
Sometimes we don’t even think to ask. We get so used to getting what we get and being happy or content with what we got. We might not realize that all we need to do is ask and it shall be given. It can be something as simple as that front row center parking spot. I always ask the angels ahead of time to prepare a parking spot in front for me. Even if I’m at a venue, I always ask the angels to guide me to be front and center and think to myself, because I’m worth it. It could be a pay raise. You never know, maybe you think you might deserve a raise and you never say anything, so a resentment starts to build up inside because you’re a hard worker and deserve a raise. If you ask for the raise, your boss might be happy to give it to you because you are worth it. Self worth is a challenge for some people and if it is for you, then baby steps, like asking for that front and center parking space may be a step in the right direction. The Universe might just surprise you.
Honu Wisdom Card #11) Move swiftly and mindfully in your journey.
Be easy on yourself. Settle into the calmness and inner peace inside your body. From that inner space feel guided to the next situation or even an “ah-hah” moment that will include those synchronicities that will raise you even higher. Be surefooted along your journey, taking each step with purposeful intent. Watch your words, watch your thoughts, and watch your actions. Be kind when you speak, be thoughtful of others as they co-create with you, and be loving in your gestures.
Honu Wisdom Card # 7) Wake up. Smile. This is going to be a great day!
When you open your eyes in the morning take your time getting back into your awareness of your body. Stretch, smile, be happy. Anticipate a great day. This is a brand new day with a fresh start. If any thoughts that may bring you down cross your mind, then simply wash them away by feeling the softness of your pillow, the crispness of the sheets; simply be grateful for your surroundings. If it’s raining outside, be grateful for all that the rain does for our mother earth. Starting the day with gratitude and joy will ensure you are on the right track, and more things will come your way during your day to show you the same.
Honu Wisdom Card #19) Watch for your synchronicities and see the magic in the Universe.
Expect great things to happen! Center yourself, ground yourself, be grateful with love and great appreciation for your life, who you are and your relationship with the Universe. Put out the intention and expectation of magnificent things to manifest in your life. Let it go and watch what comes back to you. The more you experience those coincidences and synchronicities with surprise and delight, the more that is attracted to you. It is a very simple, yet powerful Law of the Universe. The Law of Attraction.
Honu Wisdom Card #21) Silence your mind and enjoy the calm ride.
By slowing your thoughts down, your body automatically becomes peaceful and less tense. Meditation is a wonderful tool to silence your mind. Sleep and rest are also things we need to replenish our minds and bodies. Spending time alone with nature helps to quiet the mind also. A busy lifestyle is good because we want to accomplish so much in our short lives. Take time to recharge your own batteries and your life will move along effortlessly.
Honu Wisdom Card #2) Take a deep breath and let it go.
Take a deep breath in and start to let out all tension. Relax. don’t forget your oxygen. Concentrate for a little while on your breath and how important it is to maintain a healthy and balanced body. Think about how good that breath feels. When you fill your lungs completely you are taking in that beautiful oxygen which is carried to each cell of your body. When you breathe out you might not be aware that you are helping to provide the breath for the trees of our planet. When you let it go, Mother Earth knows what to do with it. We are all connected spiritually and physically.
Honu Wisdom Card #14) Take time to rest ~ Relax ~ Slow your thoughts down ~ Sleep
Sometimes during the course of our busy days we forget to take time for ourselves to rest and relax. To help let go of any pressures or anxieties, center yourself, find a peaceful place and get quiet, even if it’s just a for a few moments. The best thing you could do for yourself is to meditate for as little as 10 minutes each day. This will help to open yourself up to the wonders of the universe. When you slow your thoughts down, you actually can observe what you are thinking about. Are your thoughts positive, uplifting, peaceful, joyful, appreciative? When you sleep, you’re not thinking about things; you are giving yourself a break from thought. You are recharging your batteries and taking care of you.
Honu Wisdom Card # 20) Spend time at the beach.
Spend time at the beach. Walk the shoreline. Feel the sand in your toes. Look to the horizon and see the colors of the sky, the sun, the clouds, the birds flying in formation, the boats and the peer. Feel the temperature of the water as the waves touch your feet. Hear the sounds of the waves, the birds and the people. Find some special seashells, smooth rocks or sea glass. Take a deep breath and soak in the smell of the fresh salt water air. Feel the breeze on your face. See a kite on the shoreline. See the dogs running and splashing in the water, meeting and greeting new friends to play and interact with. Hear them bark at their owners to throw the ball. Watch them run as fast as they can to fetch and retrieve; their only purpose on that day. Find peace with these gifts. Be centered and grateful that we are here on this day enjoying the beauty that surrounds us from head to toe. Wherever we are, our gifts are plenty. Be still, be quiet. Spend time at the beach.
Honu Wisdom Card #3) Butterflies are easily persuaded by your spirit friends. Be on the lookout for your hellos.
Get excited when you see a butterfly! With that excitement, pay attention to what or who you were just thinking about. You may start to see a pattern. Your loved ones in spirit are able to easily persuade a butterfly to fly by at the exact moment of need. When you recognize that we are all connected on that higher level, those synchronicities start happening faster and faster, and they flow as easily as the flutter of a butterfly’s wings.
Honu Wisdom Card # 17) Take is slow. Take your time. All is well.
No need to rush through things. Be mindful of your daily actions. Savor each moment. Stop and smell the roses. Take a deep breath while sensing the fragrant aroma. Taste what you are eating and delight in each bite. Think about what you are about to say. Is it positive, uplifting, helpful? There’s plenty of time to get all those things done you want to accomplish. Enjoy the process. All is well.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #32 ~ If you quiet your mind, stay present and really listen, you will be amazed at the results you will see in your life. There’s 2 subjects here. One is about listening to the inside inspirations coming from your higher self, and the other is about being alert to what someone else is telling you. Both have beneficial outcomes. First, you may find it a good idea to meditate for a few minutes before starting each day, especially right after waking up from your night’s sleep. You will have a clean slate for thoughts to start accumulating for your new day. Being calm will start attracting calm thoughts and therefore calm events to manifest during the course of your day. This helps you to maintain a balanced, healthy life. During the course of your day, when you interact with people, pay attention to what they are saying. Everyone wants to be heard. You will soon find that people just like to be around you and they may not know why. You are like that beacon of light that rids the darkness. Your interactions will be peaceful and healing and the energy shared will help raise each other’s vibration as all co-create our experiences.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #34) Dare to be different, because you are
When we are born, pure, innocent, full of wonder and love, we slowly begin to realize that we are put into these boxes and stereotypes. Fears of people and things that are different may be taught to us by our surroundings. We are who we are when we are born. We are seeds of greatness. Just because we were born with 5 fingers and no swimming flippers doesn’t mean we are less wondrous than the next sentient being. We all have a purpose, a pleasure to serve, a common bond of that life force moving through us, ever expanding in the universe. We are all a part of this beautiful picture called life. There are no mistakes. Be proud of who you are and who you are meant to become. You have a grand purpose in this life, as does every other living creature.
Honu Wisdom Oracle Card #39
Pace Yourself. There’s no need to hurry. The Universe isn’t waiting for you. You’re doing just fine. Keep at an even, steady pace. We all get there, but where are we going anyway? Might as well enjoy every bite; every morsel of life. Tastes better that way. Stop and smell the roses. They smell good. Give yourself a break and pat yourself on the back for coming this far. You’ve done it! You are sensational! There’s no one like you. Be kind, Be gentle, and keep your eyes on your goals. Smooth sailing from here on out.