Managing the Light ~ #42
How is your light shining? Do you need to dim it a bit when it’s shining too bright for those who are in need of more light, and just can’t handle such a bright light at this time? Or, do you let it beam out with joy and passion and enthusiasm, knowing you are all connected and safe? Sometimes someone who is down or off kilter may not be in the mood to be around happy upbeat people. After all, misery loves company. You might notice that when you are in the presence of such an individual, they might just lash out at you, cut you down, or point out your flaws. Your best virtue at this time is to go into your heart and send compassion into their heart, for they are the ones who are hurting, not you. This is a practiced advanced form of healing. While you stand firm in the knowing of your bright light, your intention of surrounding a hurting heart with compassion goes far beyond your expectations. Just you wait. You will begin to notice a change in that person; one for the better. That’s when your light will shine even brighter, for you have touched another human being with your soul. The love of God and the universe and all its mighty angels will rejoice in knowing that you, yes, I said you!, made this world a better place.